theLARS Mono Integrated Amplifiers
theLARS mono integrated amplifiers caught the eye of Doug
Schneider. Their distinctive styling was a tip-off to Doug that there might be something
special inside. The maker, E & E Ingenjörsbyrå, is based in Sweden, and the amps
will set you back $48,000 for the pair. In promotional literature, the company calls
theLARS "The Stradivarius of amplifiers."

Each amp is fully balanced, uses no negative
feedback, runs in class A, and uses two 300B, two 6V6GT, and two GZ34 tubes, along with a
single 6N2P. The company says the amps will deliver 16 watts.

There are two balanced and two singled-ended
inputs. Silver wiring is used throughout. There's a volume/input control on one amp that's
relay-controlled and sets things for both amplifiers.

The amps can be left unprotected, but they
come with acrylic covers. The interesting thing about the covers is the way they're
shaped. They not only maintain the attractive appearance of each amp but allow for heat to
escape so the amps don't overheat.

theLARS is the result of a collaboration of
industrial designer Timo Engstrom (left) and company president and chief designer Lars
Engstrom -- nephew and uncle.