The Best of 2008 Recognized!
Each year, the SoundStage! Network recognize those products
that we reviewed across all of our sites that deserve special consideration. Photos of the
winners who are at CES 2009 in Las Vegas are accessible through the links below.
The 2008 SoundStage! Network year-end award winners are:
and SoundStage! A/V Reviewers' Choice Awards
Edge of the Art - Wilson Audio Specialties
Alexandria X-2 Series 2 loudspeakers
Exceptional Value - Bryston BP 6 C-Series
Budget Leader - Infinity Primus P162
Innovation in Design - PSB Synchrony One
Best Product Debut - Grant Fidelity RITA-880
integrated amplifier
Aesthetics & Sound - Definitive Technology
Mythos STS SuperTower loudspeakers
Hall of Fame - Tri-Planar Mk VII UII
Ultra Audio
Products of the Year
Electronics & Accessories - Weiss Minerva
digital-to-analog converter
Loudspeakers - Reference 3A Grand Veena
Home Theater & Sound
Products of the Year
Electronics & Accessories - PS Audio Power
Plant Premier power conditioner
Loudspeakers - Hsu Research HB-1 Mk.2/HC-1
Mk.2/VTF-3 Mk.3 home-theater speaker system
Products of the Year
Electronics & Accessories - Blue Circle Audio
USB Thingee digital converter
Loudspeakers - Audioengine A2 powered