Rockport Technologies, Ypsilon
Electronics and Blue Smoke Entertainment Systems
Rockport Technologies, Ypsilon Electronics and Blue Smoke
Entertainment Systems combined resources to provide simply amazing sound at this year's
CES. Of course, with a total system price over $200,000, you would expect nothing less --
and this system certainly delivered.

The sound was just so right that we could have stayed and
listened all day. Not only was the sound big and dynamic, as you would expect from a
system of this size, but the most subtle details were also present. One of the tracks that
we listened to was of an explosive flamenco guitar. Not only did this system image like
crazy, but you could almost sense the performer's fingers flying over the guitar's frets
as the notes flew by. The resolution was astonishing.

The system consisted of the Rockport
Technologies Aquila loudspeakers ($44,500 per pair)...

...driven by the massive Ypsilon Electronics SET-100 mono
amplifiers ($90,000 per pair) and a PST-100 preamplifier ($48,000). The amplifier shown in
the middle is the stereo SET-100VS that was for display purposes only.

Also in use were the Blue Smoke Entertainment Systems Black
Box digital music system (second shelf from top, $6995), MSB Technology DAC III with
Signature 32x digital filter and Signature DACs ($17,485), a Harmonic Resolution Systems
stand and Transparent Audio cables.
Pricey, but with performance to match.