The Rooms: Part 2 (January 9)
This gallery of display rooms continues on from the series
of photos we published in Part 1.

EgglestonWorks chose to showcase its
speakers with Rogue Audio electronics.

The sun was certainly bright in the Audio
Research room. The company used Wilson Audio Specialties Sophia 2 speakers and Shunyata
Research cables to showcase the VS115 power amp. [www.audioresearch.com, www.shunyata.com, www.wilsonaudio.com]

Win Analog of Milpitas, California, produces
speakers and electronics, showcasing both in their room.

Likewise, MBL of Germany produces speakers,
amps, preamps and other electronics too. In fact, MBL not only had one full setup
featuring only its gear...

...but two -- in the same room!