The Day Before, Part 2 (January 7)
Continued from Part 1.

Following the Reference 3A presentation, the
team took a break, something that won't happen on the days of the show. John Crossett and
Marc Mickelson went LP shopping ...

... while Doug Schneider and Roger Kanno went
shirt shopping, the result of Roger Kanno telling Doug that he has way too many black and
dark-blue shirts that all look the same. "Get some color in your life!" Roger

Decisions, decisions.

Following the break, it was back to do more
award presentations. Roger Kanno, aka "Mr. Las Vegas," couldn't help but point
out the new Encore Hotel located beside the Wynn.

The team presented another award on behalf of Home Theater & Sound
to PS Audio for its Premier Power Plant power conditioner. Company president Paul McGowan
is in the center and is actually holding the award. During the same visit, we learned
about the company's new PerfectWave transport and PerfectWave DAC, which are showcased in
our ShowStoppers section.
The day's not over yet. Continued in Part 3.