April 15, 2009
Of Milkshakes and SACDs
In a memorable
scene from Pulp Fiction -- a movie jam-packed with memorable scenes -- hitman
Vincent Vega, played by John Travolta, carps in incredulous tones to his boss's wife,
played by Uma Thurman, about her five-dollar milkshake.
"A shake? Milk and ice cream?" he asks.
"It costs five dollars?"
"Yep," she replies.
When he finally gets a sip of it, he has to
admit, "That's a pretty...good milkshake."
Audiophiles must feel like Vincent Vega when they
learn that Esoteric's new hybrid stereo SACDs, four titles at this point, cost $59.95
each. An SACD? Music on a silver disc? It costs 60 bucks? Yes, yes and yes.
But these aren't run-of-the-mill SACDs. First,
the music is taken from the Decca catalog and features historic performances of Dvorák's
well-known Ninth Symphony, de Falla's The Three Cornered Hat, and works by Mozart
and Beethoven. The master tapes were used as the source, their music remastered with the
aid of a fleet of Esoteric products, including D-01VU digital-to-analog converters, a
G-0Rb rubidium master clock generator, and Mexcel interconnects and power cords. The
project is a collaboration between Esoteric and JVC, so it's no surprise that the discs'
bound packaging bears a striking resemblance to that for JVC's opulent XRCDs, and both the
SACD and CD layers of each hybrid disc utilize XRCD encoding.
If you own the
original LPs of this music, you will find these SACDs to be about as close to their high
resolution and natural timbres as digital can get, and you'll marvel at the way the detail
goes right down to the noise floor. The recordings convey very well a view of each hall's
sound: the Sofiensaal in Vienna for the de Falla recording, and Victoria Hall in Geneva
for the Dvorák. The perspective is relaxed and holistic, the sonics being about the
entirety of the performance and its surroundings, not picking out a single violinist as he
coughs or turns the page of his score.
Your $60 gets you a finely wrought SACD and
a JVC XRCD on a single disc with deluxe packaging. Take a sip -- er, listen -- and
the price may seem about right.
...Marc Mickelson
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