February 2001
DCC has re-mastered A Night At The Opera and as compared with its last incarnation [Hollywood Records HR-61065-2], lets just say that DCCs re-master sounds far better in every respect. Sometimes, differences between re-masters are subtle -- not here! Immediately upon cueing the disc, one hears quite clearly its improved bass, warmth, timbre and balance. It possesses an analog naturalness that the Hollywood Records version doesn't even come close to. Freddie Mercurys vocals and Brian Mays guitar have never sounded better acoustically or musically. The DCC version represents a dramatic improvement over the Hollywood records release. Of course, this begs the question: Is the Hollywood Records re-master that bad -- or is the DCC simply that good? Maybe a little of both. Does it matter? "Bohemian Rhapsody" and the rest of the CD sounds glorious. I cant imagine anyone getting more out of the original tapes than Steve Hoffman has accomplished here. Now, if only I had an old Gremlin to play this in, life would be complete. Party on dudes! GO BACK TO: |