October 2003
Technologies 12.0 Stereo Amplifier: Measurements
All amplifier measurements are performed
independently by BHK Labs. Please click to learn
more about how we test amplifiers there. All measurement data, including graphical
information displayed below, is the property of SoundStage!. Reproduction in any
format is not permitted.
- Measurements were made with 120V AC line voltage.
- Power output and distortion plotted with both channels
- Test signal applied to unbalanced inputs unless otherwise
- Output noise, 8-ohm load, unbalanced input, 1k-ohm input
termination: wideband 0.429mV, -76.4dBW; A weighted 0.108mV, -88.4dBW.
- Output noise, 8-ohm load, balanced input, 600-ohm input
termination: wideband 0.239mV, -81.5dBW; A weighted 0.113mV, -88.0dBW.
- AC line current draw at idle: 3.7A cold, 1.8A warmed up.
- Output impedance at 50Hz: 0.052 ohms.
- This amplifier does not invert polarity.
Power output with 1kHz test signal
- 8-ohm load at 1% THD: 142W
- 4-ohm load at 1% THD: 246W
The Coda Model 12 is a high-power solid-state design with
very low output impedance and a relatively high output-stage idling current. As far as the
front-panel designation of "Class A," this is most decidedly not the case. A
true classic standard definition class-A amplifier at this power level would draw some 10A
off the AC line to be class A up to clipping with 8-ohm loads. Unusually, the low output
impedance extends way up into the ultrasonic frequency measurement limit of my Audio
Precision measurement system.
Chart 1 shows the frequency response of the amp with
varying loads. As can be seen, the output impedance, as judged by the closeness of spacing
between the curves of open circuit, 8-ohm, and 4-ohm loading is very low. The variation
with the NHT dummy load would be about a neglible +/-0.05dB. Note that the curves track
each other above the audio range, indicating the output impedance is low in this region
also. Chart 2 illustrates how total harmonic distortion plus noise versus power varies for
1kHz and SMPTE IM test signals and amplifier output load. As can be seen, attainable power
is greater for the 4-ohm load, as is usual for most power amplifiers. Total harmonic
distortion plus noise as a function of frequency at several different power levels is
plotted in Chart 3. This amp is one of a very few in my experience that has the desirable
characteristic of approximately constant amount of distortion versus frequency. Damping
factor versus frequency is shown in Chart 4. Note how this is quite constant over the
audio range. A spectrum of the harmonic distortion and noise residue is plotted in Chart
5. As seems to be the case with many amplifiers measured, this one has a rich series of
AC-line-hum harmonics with some sidebands of these harmonics about the nulled fundamental
frequency and the signal harmonics. Of note: the amount of signal harmonics are low and
the higher-order products disappear rapidly.
Chart 1
- Frequency Response of Output Voltage as a Function of Output Loading |

Magenta line: open circuit
Red line: 8-ohm load
Blue line: 4-ohm load
Chart 2 - Distortion as a Function
of Power Output and Output Loading |

(line up at 10W to determine lines)
Top line: 4-ohm SMPTE IM
Second line: 8-ohm SMPTE IM
Third line: 4-ohm THD+N
Bottom line: 8-ohm THD+N
Chart 3 - Distortion
as a Function of Power Output and Frequency |

4-ohm output loading
Red line: 2W
Magenta line: 20W
Blue line: 120W
Cyan line: 220W
Chart 4 - Damping Factor
as a Function of Frequency |

Damping factor = output impedance divided into 8
Chart 5 - Distortion and
Noise Spectrum |

1kHz signal at 10W into an 8-ohm load