In the Cambridge Audio room, home-theater guru Roger Kanno
found the simple answer to a burning question: "How do I connect my HD player?"

Kevin Voecks, the director of product development for
Revel, stands with the company's new top-of-the-line Ultima2 products, which we first
discussed in our coverage of CEDIA Expo 2006.

As at previous CESes, CAT teamed with

...but this year Audio Research used Vandersteen 5A
speakers in an optional carbon-fiber finish ($21,600/pair) for its demo at THE Show. []

John Giolas, Wilson Audio's director of marketing, took us
through a demo of a ne plus ultra subwoofer/satellite system consisting of Duette
speakers and a pair of Passive WATCH Dog subwoofers. The system, which used Audio Research
electronics, sounded great. []