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The Best in Online Trade Show Reporting

Standout Room: Wilson Audio Specialties

The press conference was touted as the debut of a new Wilson Audio loudspeaker, but the SoundStage! crew didn’t expect the level of performance that Wilson’s new MAXX delivered.

At $38,900 per pair, the MAXX lies between the WATT/Puppy and the X-1 Grand SLAMM Series II loudspeakers. Cosmetically, the MAXX is similar to the Grand SLAMM, but somewhat smaller. Specifications say 92dB sensitivity with a nominal 4-ohm impedance and a 23Hz to 21kHz frequency response. The MAXX weighs in at 800 lbs per pair!

In a very large ballroom and driven by all Krell electronics with Transparent Audio cable throughout, the MAXX delivered enormous, rich, yet transparent and highly detailed sound. In Dave Duvall’s words, "Everything about the presentation was as near as audio can come to being lifelike in scale." Doug Blackburn and Doug Schneider were equally impressed and, frankly, had nothing to add because there was little to fault. At nearly $40,000, the MAXX is expensive, but for someone looking for near cost-no-object performance, this may be it. This was a real eye-opener and a definite sonic standout!


wilson_cub_litter.jpg (24907 bytes)
As Dave Wilson said, "a litter of CUBs lined the
back of the room."

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