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The Best in Online Trade Show Reporting

June 14, 1998

Picture of the Day and a Little Bit of Thanks!

Covering a show LIVE is tough work.  Most of all we needed a place to call our Headquarters for all the team members -- the Westin's lobby/bar seemed the perfect place.  Doug Blackburn, Dave Duvall and Greg Weaver are shown in 'laptop central' putting the final touches on the day's report.

At this point, as Publisher of SoundStage!, I owe a personal thanks to the SoundStage! Coverage Team.  Going to the show is a large personal commitment and the effort of all that went into producing the report is appreciated.

  • John Upton, Todd Warnke and Greg Weaver covered the show with stealth-like precision and their reports, upcoming in the next few weeks, will undoubtedly be a fabulous read as they showcase the entire show.  They all also contributed heavily to the daily coverage to make it a success.  Although we covered lots on the spot, there is more to come as many more companies at this show were represented than has been shown so far.  These writers commitment to ensuring quality is first-rate.

  • Doug Blackburn and Greg Weaver were responsible for the show photography done entirely with digital cameras and laptop computers.  Doug Blackburn was also responsible for all of the photo editing.  That meant downloading, cropping, touching up to ensuring the highest quality possible, etc. -- a job that took countless hours per day.  dB worked tirelessly and even after one 15 hour day of exhibits, displays and promotions arrived at the hotel at midnight, passed out til 3 am and then awoke to edit photos.  When I awoke at 7am the next day, the pictures were slid under my door and ready for upload.   The pictures are key part of the show coverage and without him it wouldn't have happened.  Great going dB!

  • Dave Duvall was the show 'detail monger' and key organizer for the SoundStagers.  Dave, along with John Stafford, did a splendid job at CES '98 organizing the writers and coordinating activities. This time Dave was responsible for all that and more. Furthermore, he was instrumental in all fact checking and was the integral team member for the contents of the daily coverage.  He could be seen going from the lobby to the elevators time and time again to ensure all information was complete.  Once again, a Standout job.

  • Steve Rochlin, while officially on-site to cover the show for his own Enjoy The Music web-site, once again showed his dedication and enthusiasm for SoundStage! and supported us at the show in many ways.  It's definitely appreciated.  Plus, Steve's great fun to have around and brings a level of enthusiasm and fun to audio that should be praised by all.

  • Finally, we thank Stereophile and all the people behind the scenes who created the show and made it happen.  The SoundStagers received first-rate treatment at the show and we are thankful to have such an event such as this to do coverage at!

    ...Doug Schneider, Publisher, SoundStage!

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