German Physiks and Vitus Audio
All prices in euros (€) unless otherwise noted.
At time of report, 1 € is approximately 1.37 US dollars.

High End takes place on two levels of the Munich Order Center (M.O.C.). On the main level is what's considered the tradeshow floor. On that level the listening rooms are called "cabins" -- portable rooms installed specifically for the show. Because of the nature of the construction, these portable rooms have flimsy walls and a resonant quality that makes it tough to get good sound inside. In fact, it rarely happens.

The German Physiks/Vitus Audio "cabin" was the exception. The equipment used included German Physiks PQS-302 loudspeakers ($55,000 € per pair) along with Vitus Audio’s SCD-010 CD player and SS-101 integrated amplifier.

The sound, while not perfect, was quite exceptional given the circumstances -- spacious, detailed, and without the resonant sound that we associate with the rooms on this level. We've come to High End in Munich for many years now, and this is the best sound we've ever heard on the main tradeshow floor. If succeeding in difficult circumstances is a major feat, then getting great sound in the home of a customer should be a piece of cake for these guys. []