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Series 1

We don't remember covering a show in a venue with a greater variety of room sizes than at the Marriott Denver Tech Center, home of the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. There are gigantic rooms, like this one for Ray Kimber's ambitious demo...;

...extra large, as used for a system of Classic Audio Reproductions, Atma-Sphere, Tri-Planar and Purist Audio Designs products...;

...large, used for the A Audio Imports system featuring Acapella Triolon Excalibur speakers ($192,000 per pair)...;

...medium, housing Analysis Audio speakers and VTL electronics...;

...and regular, with more Classic Audio Reproductions speakers and Atma-Sphere electronics with a Galibier turntable. We'll post some pictures of the small rooms in the next Faces & Places series.

Ron Hedrich of Marigo Audio Labs shows off his newest creation, the VX Mystery footer ($699 per set of three). This close-up should help solve some of the mystery of this equipment accessory.

Marc Mickelson (front and center) listens to one of his demo CD-Rs and likes what he hears from a pair of Dynaudio Sapphire speakers ($16,500 per pair), Pass Labs amps, and Wadia Digital gear.

Jim Riddell of Denver dealer Sounds Real Audio brought a number of Wilson Benesch speakers to the RMAF, driving them with deHavilland and KE tube amps.

Yoav Geva, the YG in YG Acoustics, let us know where to find his rooms at the RMAF.

This one, featuring the Anat Reference Professional speakers ($107,000 per pair) driven by an FM Acoustics amplifier, sounded highly detailed. [www.ygacoustics.com]


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