February 1999
On completing my first listen, I was in awe of this CD. The sound is, well, what I got into this annoying hobby for in the first place. Its wonderful, its fun, its ethereal, its huge, its subtle, its overblown, its completely manufactured, but its so well done you dont care that its studio trickery. I can only wish for a collection of CDs with as much attention paid to the soundfield as this one has. OK, so the sound is wonderful. What about the music? It probably sucks, right? Well, it may or may not suck -- depends on your definition of what sucks is. If you only listen to Metallica from 1975 to 1985 or to music written by dead people, this recording isnt going to change your life. But if you are an exploratory listener with interests in a variety of music, From the Gekko could be a great addition to your library. Take some Mexican and Venezuelan traditions; mix in Marias modern Latin touch and Spanish lyrics; combine with Franks synthesizer, production, pop/rock sensibilities and English lyrics; add some acoustic instruments, some samples of the Dali Lamas laughter, samples of rain-forest Indians some gamelan samples, a few hints of Indian (the country India) music and instruments. You end up with inventive cant-be-categorized music. Deep bass lovers will find some in From the Gekko. Systems will be tortured by the steadily rising sound level on the first track. Set the volume high enough for the opening ping-ponging bass to shake the room and youll be screaming for mercy before the end of the track. There are places where the synthesizer puts energy behind some sounds that no acoustic instrument can duplicate. Some of those sounds uncover problems in loudspeakers or electronic components that you may not notice with typical recordings. There are loads of detail to sift though on repeat listenings. But for me the most fun in this recording is the veritable wall of sound it throws up in the room. No, thats not right. Its not a wall, its huge space filled with stationary and moving sounds -- all transported right into your listening room. It reminds me of how the Star Trek holodeck can make convincingly large spaces within a smaller space. Besides the detail, dynamics, and space, From the Gekko is full of subtleties too. At the opening of one song you hear not wind, but gently moving air. You hear a mass of moving sonic sparkles. You hear the forest. You hear the world. CDs like this are one of the reasons you bought all that expensive gear, unless you are one of those purists who can only deal with live acoustic instruments in real space. From the Gekko is something different, something unique to make your system sound like you may never have heard before. It isnt an audiophile recording on an audiophile label. The technical sound quality isnt perfect, but for a commercial studio recording it is very impressive. There is absolutely nothing obtrusive in the sound to distract you from the listening experience. Great clarity and dynamics, wonderful detail, very well balanced and mixed, the whole presentation comes off as having been done by people who knew what they wanted and how to get it. Recorded in 1997 in Oakland, CA and available on the Triple Earth (UK) label, From the Gekko is not widely available in the US, but it can be ordered from 75-MUSIC (1-800-75-MUSIC in the US), the National Public Radio music sales service. A portion of sales supports NPR. Youll be charged $17.97 plus $4.95 shipping, which covers any number of CDs you order. You can have a look at 75-MUSICs in-need-of-work-and-updating website at www.75music.org. You wont find From the Gekko there, so keep the info from this review handy -- its in stock in spite of not appearing on the website. GO BACK TO: |